Some versions available to download here

2023. Light Struck - the exhibition. Lacock: National Trust. 

2019. Gardens after interpretation: the case of the RHS Bird Hide. Interpretation Journal 24(1), 16-19. With D. Uzzell. 

2018. Creativity. Society of Archaeological Science (SAS) encyclopedia. Publisher: Wiley.

2018. The archaeology of art. New York: Routledge. With A.M. Jones. 

2017. Art in the making: Neolithic societies in Britain, Ireland and Iberia. In The Neolithic of Europe: Papers in Honour of Alasdair Whittle. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 201-221. With A.M Jones and M. Díaz-Guardamino.

2016. The paragone has gone. In H. Chittock and J. Valdez-Tullett (eds), Archaeology with art, ix-xiii. Oxford: Archaeopress. 

2015a. Digital imaging and prehistoric imagery: a new analysis of the Folkton Drums. Antiquity, 89(347): 1083-95. With A.M JonesM. Díaz-GuardaminoE. Kotoula, and L. Minkin.

2015b. Rock art and the rock surface: Neolithic rock art traditions of Britain, Ireland, and northernmost Europe. In C. Fowler, J. Harding, and D. Hofmann (eds), The Oxford handbook of Neolithic Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 871-94. With A.M Jones and K. Sognnes.

2013a. Representational approaches to Irish passage tombs: legacies, burdens, opportunities. In B. B. Alberti, A. M. Jones and J. Pollard (eds), Archaeology after interpretation. Materials, relations, becomings. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.

2013b. Introduction. In I. Russell and A. Cochrane (eds), Art and archaeology. New York: Springer-Kluwer. With I. Russell.

2013c. Day of the figurines. In I. Russell and A. Cochrane (eds), Art and archaeology. New York: Springer-Kluwer. With I. Russell.

2013d. Art and archaeology: collaborations, conversations, criticisms. New York: Springer-Kluwer.  With I. Russell.

2012a. Composing the Neolithic at Knockroe. In A. Cochrane and A. Jones (eds), Visualising the Neolithic: abstraction, figuration, performance, representation. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2012b. Visualising the Neolithic: an introduction. In A. Cochrane and A. Jones (eds), Visualising the Neolithic: abstraction, figuration, performance, representation, 1-14. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2012c. Visualising the Neolithic: abstraction, figuration, performance, representation. Oxford: Oxbow Books. With A. Jones.

2012d. The immanency of the intangible image. In I-M. Back Danielsson, F. Fahlander, and Y. Sjöstrand (eds), Encountering imagery: materialities, perceptions, relations, 133-60. Stockholm : Stockholm University.

2010a. unearthed: a comparative study of Jōmon dogū and Neolithic figurines. Norwich: SCVA. With D. Bailey and J. Zambelli.

2010b. Re-playing the past in an age of mechanical reproduction. In S. Koerner and I. Russell (eds), The unquiet past, 33-47.Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

2010b. Re-playing the past in an age of mechanical reproduction. In S. Koerner and I. Russell (eds), The unquiet past, 33-47.Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
2009a. Additive subtraction: addressing pick-dressing in Irish passage tombs. In J. Thomas and V. Oliveira Jorge (eds), Archaeology and the politics of vision in a post-modern context, 163-85. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2009b. The Cardiff Arcades Project – Exposés. In J. Savage (ed.), Nutopia: exploring the metropolitan imagination, 13-15. Cardiff: Safle.
2009c. What I think about when I think about Time. In J. Savage (ed.), Depending on time, 30-4. Cardiff: Safle.
2008a. Some stimulating solutions. In C. Knappett and L. Malafouris (eds), Material agency: towards a non-anthropocentric approach, 157-86. New York: Springer-Kluwer.
2008b. Meditation in a line. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 18(3), 423-25.
2008. Archaeoclash: mediating worlds. Scholarcast. Dublin: UCD Publications. With I. Russell.
2007. We have never been material. Journal of Iberian Archaeology 9/10, 138-57.
2007. Visualizing archaeologies: a manifesto. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17(1), 3-19. With I. Russell.
2006. The simulacra and simulations of Irish Neolithic passage tombs. In I. Russell (ed.), Images, representations and heritage: moving beyond a modern approach to archaeology, 251-82. New York: Springer-Kluwer.
2005a. A taste of the unexpected: subverting mentalités through the motifs and settings of Irish passage tombs. In D. Hofmann, J. Mills and A. Cochrane (eds), Elements of being: mentalités, identities and movement, 5-19. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports 1437.
2005b. Elements of being: mentalités, identities and movement. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports 1437. Edited with D. Hofmann and J. Mills.
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